
Friday, April 27, 2012

2001-Cross Stitch Pitchers 40 X 50

I designed this quilt that is supposed to look like a collection of pitchers sitting on shelves because I have a collection of pitchers, but the shelves do not have scalloped scarves on them. My pitchers are sitting of a hutch made by Warren Hubbard when he was in high school.

2001-Cross Angel 12 X 12

A cross stitch created from a portrait of me at a very young age creates the face for this angel.

2001-Welcome 12 X 16

The design in the center consists of machine cross stitching generated on the computer.

2001-Wedding Ring 16 X 36

One of my goals is to make a full sized wedding ring quilt, but this is as far as I have gotten so far.

2001-View From the Veranda 36 X 30

This design was made by ironing 2" fabric squares on a gridded interfacing and sewing the rows together to form the design.

2001-Teatime 24 X 22

This is another quilt made at the Minnesota workshop that illustrates several techniques.

2001-Stippled Mini 13 X 13

This little quilt illustrates how embroidery designs can be used to make a quilt.

2001-Sample Clowns 14 X 14

I stitched out three versions of a clown design to teach one of my classes how embroidery designs could be manipulated on the computer.

2001-Redwork Animals 42 X 36

I used two large pieces of muslin with batting sandwiched between to embroidery these redwork animals to look like they had been pieced.

2001-Progeny 53 X 53

I stitched portraits of our immediate family for this quilt.

2001-North Woods 60 X 60

This flannel quilt was constructed at the workshop in Minnesota and completed later.

2001-God's Seasons 42 X 46

I made two copies of this quilt which symbolizes the Christian calendar. I gave one of them to a local church.

2001-FloweringFaces 67 X 80

I embroidered little doll faces for the center of each of the dresden plate designs.

2001-Cathedral Window Sampler 12 X 12

This little cathedral window design was harder to stitc than a regular sized cathedral window because it was so small.

2001-Butterfly 36 X 31

I designed this quit for a class I taught. The students arranged and pressed 2" square pieced of fabric on a grided interfacing and then stitched them in rows to form the butterfly.

2001-Blackstone Ch 15 X 14

I digitized this redwork design of Blackstone Baptist Church for a friend.

2001-Advent Bulletin 11 X 14

I digitized the emboridery for this quilt from a church bulletin.

2001-Three Teapots 24 X 56

This is another quilt I made at the week long workshop with Sharlene Jorgensen in Minnosota, but it wook we whilt to actually finish it.

2001- Sam's Whole Cloth

I sorry the hand stitches in this full sized whole cloth quilt I made for Sam, Jr. It took about a year to quilt it and another year to quilt one for Arden. The bottom picture shows a close-up of the stitching.

2001 Reverse Cat 31 X 40

It took a long time to hand stitch this reverse needle turn applique cat.

2001- Kokopeli 26 X 28

When we sent on our retirement trip to the western states, Sam was captivated by the Kokopeli symbols. I made this little quilt from him.

2000-WovenMini 9X11

I experimented with weaving fabric strips to create this little quilt.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

2000-Rescued Flora 43 X 41

These paper pieced trees and houses were made from little pieces of left-over decorator fabric.

2000-Redwork Mini 13 X 13

I made this little quilt to demonstrate how redwork designs could be used as quilting designs when I set up a booth at a quilt show.

2000-Redwork Church 10 X14

I digitized an outline of River Road Church, Baptist by using a picture on the Sunday bulletin. I have probably made at least fifty of these to give to church members on various occassions.

2000-Nixon Crest 25 X 32

I digitized the Nixon crest and designed and made four copies of this little quilt. Although it is not visible in the photo, the quilting in the black border consists of Nixon family names.

2000-Geisha Bargello 43 X 41

I made this nautical scene with a geisha at a Husqvarna Viking workshop.

2000-Embroidered Nativity 32 X 41

It took me a long time to embroider all these designs and stitch them accurrately on this manger scene.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

2000-Decorator Cat 23 X 30

This cat actually has eyes, but I took the picture before I attached them. This quilt was constructed by ironing many little of squares of decorator fabric on lined interfacing and then sewing the rows together.

2000-Darwin Revisited 53 X 55

I used a large number of alien embroidery designs to construct this quilt.

2000-Christmas Sampler 48 X 61

This was a good way to use a collection of Christmas fabric and to practice different traditional blocks. Its a great piece to hang on the balcony during December.

2000-Blue Fish 36 X 35

I just wanted to see if these little squares actually did look like fish once they were sewn together.

2000-Appliqued Peaches 19 X 13

I made this place mat size quilt in an embroidery class at a Husqvarna Viking convention.

1999-Srebro's Cats 46 X 53

I made this cats in a class I took that was taught by Nancy Johnson-Srebro.

1999-Spinwheels 16 X 19

I experimented with little twisted three dimensional block to construct this quilt.

1999-Scrappy Twins 19 X 28 & 19 X 27

I used little scraps of left-over decorator fabric to make this little quilts. They were quilted with a variety of stitch patterns on my sewing machine.

1999-San Xavier 26 X 22

I enlarged a photograph I took of San Xavier near Tuscon, AZ to make this small quilt. The large border is supposed to symbolize the extensive desert surrounding this beautiful cathedral.

1999-Needle Turn Nativity 21X21

Although this quilt is very small, it took a long time to stitch the intricate needle turn applique.

1999-McAllister McPuff 53X64

Decorator fabric was used to make this puffy quilt. The individual pillows were sewn together with monofilament thread to from the design.

1999-Dora's Cows 39X40

Since my mother had an extensive collection of cow figurines, etc. I embroidered nine cow designs and put them together in this quilt fro her.

1999- Millie's Legacy 58X58

Since Millie Adaline Hatcher Hubbard was the inspiration for my love of quilting, I made this tribute to her with several pictures depicting her life.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

1999- Bargello Square

This is another Bargello made with decorator fabrics.


I made Teatime when I spent a week at a retreat in Minnesota with Sharlene Jorgenson.

1998-Table Top Sampler

This was an exercise in producing various techniques for this little table topper.

1998-Reversed Bears

It took a long time to stitch each of these reverse appliques to reveal the bears.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

1998-Retiring Sam

This quilt was made to celebrate Sam's retirement after working many years as a school librarian. It is one of the first quilts I made using photograph printed on fabric. Fortunately the techniques have improved greatly since then.

1998 Paper Pieced Butterflies

I paper pieced this little butterfiles and surrounded them with butterfly fabric.

1998-Crazy Scraps

I used Quilting From the Heartland templates to make this crazy quilt from decorator fabric scraps.